PLEASE NOTE: This article is obsolete or related to a discontinued product.


This section covers some of the issues that can occur with your FOX Board, and provides all the troubleshooting steps you need to resolve them by yourself

FOX Board leaflet errata corrige.
There are some errors on the leaflet recently released with the FOX Board. The errors concern the four jumpers near the white J2 power connector and the defaulf IP address.

The Telit modem doesn't turn on on FOXGM
When you are using the FOXGM board, with some factory default images it is impossible to turn on the Telit Modem setting the PB7 line when PB7 line is defined as input by default at startup. The same is for the PB6 line that is used to reset the modem.

There are two solutions:

  1. Set PB6 and PB7 as output by a C program. This program will work on a factory default image. The code to use is:
    #include "linux/gpio_syscalls.h"
    int main(void) {
      return 0;
    You can compile it by Webcompiler.

  2. Change the setting for PB6 and PB7 on the SDK.
    • Go to the SDK root directory.
    • Type make kernelconfig
    • Select Hardware Setup
    • Go to R_PORT_PB_CONFIG and set it, if necessary, to 0x00
    • Go to R_PORT_PB_DIR and set it, if necessary, to 0xce (bit=0 means input; bit=1 means output initial direction at boot)
    • Go to R_PORT_PB_DATA and set it, if necessary, to 0x03 (bit=1 means high initial state for the bit)
    • Select Driver for built-in interfaces
    • Go to PB user changeable dir mask and set it, if necessary, to 0xFF (bit=1 means user changeable direction of the pin)
    • Go to PB user changeable bit mask and set it, if necessary, to 0xFF (bit=1 means user changeable logic state of of the pin)
    • Save and exit.
    • Generate the new image with make
    • Flash the new image on the FOX Board (see How to reflash a FOX Board)

Image this far exceeds alignment offset - it is too large!
The fimage you have generated is too large. See on How to reflash a FOX Board how to change the flash memory partition.

When compiling an image with the old Axis SDK 2.01, the new FOX Board LX doesn't work
Change the timing configuration word for the SDRAM chip named CONFIG_ETRAX_DEF_R_SDRAM_TIMING inside the file kernelconfig or kernelconfig-2.6.
  • For the red FOX "classic" the value is CONFIG_ETRAX_DEF_R_SDRAM_TIMING=0x80608002
  • For the new FOX Board LX the value is CONFIG_ETRAX_DEF_R_SDRAM_TIMING=0x80008002

During SDK installation the make process stops and shows "make[4]: yacc: Command not found"
You have to install Bison.
On the Linux distributions derivated from Debian type:
# apt-get install bison

During SDK installation the make process not found the idea.h and engine.h files
Create this link:
cd devboard-R2_01/apps/crypto/openssl/openssl/include/openssl/
ln -s ../../crypto/idea/idea.h
ln -s ../../crypto/engine/engine.h

After Webcompiler has compiled a source (i.e. hello.c) I obtain this error: "/bin/sh: ./hello.out: not found"
This problem happen when you link your code to glibc library instead of uClibc or viceversa.

Real Time Clock doesn't work
