Windows has a default FTP client FTP accessible from Command Prompt pressing:
If the FOX board is correctly visible on the LAN we'll see the username request with the followin message:
Username (
answer root to it and then at the password request:
answer: pass (or acme on some boards).
Accesso alla scheda FOX via FTP
Now, having the access granted from the FOX board we can for example press:
In this way we will see the file list on the FOX filesystem at the root level.
To see the complete list of command available from the FTP prompt just press: "?" followed by the key "Enter".
As an alternative you can access to the FOX FTP server using the FTP capabilities of Internet Explorer.
Open Internet Explorer and insert the address: the username and password requests insert root and pass.
FTP access from Internet Explorer
It is possible to navigate inside the filesystem and copy files using drag and drop with the other windows.