Install the xz-utils and build-essential packages on your board (not on your Linux workstation):
sudo apt install xz-utils build-essential
Download the latest utilities version from the D.Gilbert server and untar it:
tar -xvf sama5d3_utils-0.92.tar.xz
Compile and install
cd sama5d3_utils-0.92
sudo make install
Show the help
a5d3_pio_status -h
Get the PIO attributes of the line Port A8
sudo a5d3_pio_status -p A -b 8
PIO status: 0 (peripheral ACTIVE)
PIO output status: 0 (line pure input)
input filter status: 0 (glitch filter DISabled)
output data status: 0
pin data status: 0
interrupt mask: 0 (DISabled)
multi driver status: 0 (pin driven high and low)
pad pull-up status: 0 (ENabled)
peripheral A function [sr1:0, sr2:0]
input filter slow clock status: 0 (master-fast)
pad pull down status: 0 (ENabled)
additional interrupt modes mask: 0 (Both edges)
edge/level status: 0 (edge detection)
fall/rise - low/high status: 0 (falling edge or low level detection)
locked status: 0 (not locked)
write protect mode: WPEN: 1 (ENabled)
schmitt trigger status: 0 (ENabled )
IO drive: 0 (LO_DRIVE)
Get the PIO attributes of all the line of Port A
sudo a5d3_pio_status -a -p A
PIO status: 0 (peripheral ACTIVE)
PIO output status: 0 (line pure input)
input filter status: 0 (glitch filter DISabled)
output data status: 0
pin data status: 0
interrupt mask: 0 (DISabled)
multi driver status: 0 (pin driven high and low)
pad pull-up status: 0 (ENabled)
peripheral A function [sr1:0, sr2:0]
input filter slow clock status: 0 (master-fast)
pad pull down status: 1 (DISabled)
additional interrupt modes mask: 0 (Both edges)
edge/level status: 0 (edge detection)
fall/rise - low/high status: 0 (falling edge or low level detection)
locked status: 0 (not locked)
write protect mode: WPEN: 0 (DISabled)
schmitt trigger status: 0 (ENabled )
IO drive: 0 (HI_DRIVE)
of course it is possible to read all the other ports
sudo a5d3_pio_status -a -p B
sudo a5d3_pio_status -a -p C
sudo a5d3_pio_status -a -p D
Show the help
sudo a5d3_pio_set -h
Disable the pull-up resistor on A/D input lines
sudo a5d3_pio_set -p B -b 11 -u
sudo a5d3_pio_set -p B -b 12 -u
sudo a5d3_pio_set -p B -b 13 -u
sudo a5d3_pio_set -p B -b 14 -u
Enable the low power Suspend To RAM feature on RoadRunner
sudo mem2io -w -i fc040018,300
The original in-deep explanation on how the GPIO lines work and how to manage them faster is available on:
Usage: a5d3_pio_set [-b <bn>] [-d <div>] [-D <iod>] [-e] [-f|F] [-g|G]
[-h] [-i|I] [-ii|II] [-l|L] [-m|M] [-o|O] [-p <port>]
[-s <P_A_B_C_D>] [-S <n>] [-t|T] [-u|U] [-uu|UU]
[-v] [-V] [-w <wpen>] [-z|Z]
-b <bn> bit number within port (0 to 31).Also
accepts prefix like 'pb' or just 'b' for <port>.
Example: '-b PC7' equivalent to '-p c -b 7'
-d <div> slow clock divider [period=2*(<div>+1)*Tslow_clock]
-D <iod> IO drive: 0->LO, 1->LO, 2->ME, 3->HI
-e enumerate pin names with corresponding kernel pin
-f set interrupt source as falling edge or low level event
-F set interrupt source as rising edge or high level event
-g disables glitch input filter
-G enables glitch input filter
-h print usage message; use twice for more help
-i interrupt disable. Use twice to disable
additional interrupt modes
-I interrupt enable. Use twice to enable
additional interrupt modes
-l set interrupt source as edge event
-L set interrupt source as level event
-m disables multi-drive (open drain)
-M enables multi-drive (open drain)
-o output disable (make GPIO input only)
-O output enable (in generic PIO mode only)
-p <port> port bank ('A' to 'D') or gpio kernel line number
-s <P_A_B_C_D> select line mode: P->PIO, A->peripheral_A
B->peripheral_B, C or D)
-S <n> set output data line to [<n> mod 2] (<n> is 0 to 3)
if 0 or 1 then does an output enable if disabled
-t disables Schmitt trigger on input
-T enables Schmitt trigger on input
-u disables internal pull-up. Use twice to disable
internal pull-down
-U enables internal pull-up. Use twice to enable
internal pull-down. Example: switch PC12 from
pull-up to pull-down: '-b PC12 -u -UU'
-v increase verbosity (multiple times for more)
-V print version string then exit
-w <wpen> write protect mode (for whole PIO) set to <wpen>
0->disabled (def, no write protection), 1->enabled
-z disables input filter slow clock
-Z enables input filter slow clock
Set SAMA5D3 SoCs PIO attributes. Uses memory mapped IO to access PIO
registers directly. Bypasses kernel.