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SWD In-circuit programming using a Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040

This article illustrates how to use the popular Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 board to make a cheap In-circuit SWD programmer for the H10 module and Berta H10 board

Free-dap project

Free-dap is a free and open implementation of the CMSIS-DAP debugger firmware available on GitHub:

Using this firmware is enought to wire these signal between the Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040

RP2040 GPIO RP2040 pin # Berta-H10 J12 pin # Signals
GP15 20 1 NRST
GP11 15 7 SWCLK
GP12 16 9 SWDIO
GND 18 6 GND

Programming the Free-dap firmware on RP2040 board

A very easy way to save the firmware on the RP2040 board is using the ready-to-use binary file available on the Free-dap Git repository:

Download this file and save it on your local disk. Plug the microUSB port of the RP2040 to your PC while holdinf down the button BOOTSEL on RP2040 board. A disk called RPI-RP2 will appear on your desktop.

Drag and drop the free_dap_rp2040.uf2 file on this new drive. After a while the RPI-RP2 will disappear from your desktop and the green led on RP2040 turn-on. Your SWD programmer is now ready-to-use.

You can transfer the H10 firmware by using the command:

make flash

### Flashing Target ###
Debugger: Alex Taradov Generic CMSIS-DAP Adapter 3A6B79A7 2.0.0 (SJ)
Clock frequency: 16.0 MHz
Target: SAM R34J18B (Rev C)
Verification.......... done.
Done flashing


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