Creating a uSD image from a file tree

This article illustrates how to create a bootable class='acmetable' Linux microSD image starting from a file tree

Sometimes could be useful to create a uSD bootable class='acmetable' image starting directly from the file tree generated by Debian Multistrap scripts.

A bootable class='acmetable' image can be distributed directly to Mac or Windows users those can generate in this way bootable class='acmetable' uSD even if they cannot write in ext4 format directly.

Step by step procedure

Create a regular file as large as the total size of your file tree. In this example we will create a 1GB file:

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=myimage.img bs=512 count=1953125
1953125+0 records in
1953125+0 records out
1000000000 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 1.80442 s, 554 MB/s

Associate the first free loop device (-f option) to the regular file and show the loop device used (--show option):

$ sudo losetup -f --show myimage.img

Create two partitions:

$ sudo parted -s /dev/loop0 mklabel msdos
$ sudo parted -s /dev/loop0 mkpart primary fat32 4 128
$ sudo parted -s /dev/loop0 mkpart primary ext4 128 100%
$ sudo parted -s /dev/loop0 set 1 boot on
$ sudo parted -s /dev/loop0 print
$ sudo partprobe /dev/loop0
$ sudo kpartx -s -a /dev/loop0

Create the filesystems inside the partitions:

$ sudo mkfs -t vfat -n boot /dev/mapper/loop0p1
$ sudo mkfs -F -t ext4 -L rootfs /dev/mapper/loop0p2
$ sync

Mount the new filesystems:

$ mkdir mnt
$ mkdir mnt/boot
$ mkdir mnt/rootfs
$ sudo mount -t vfat /dev/mapper/loop0p1 mnt/boot
$ sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/loop0p2 mnt/rootfs

Now copy the file tree inside mnt/boot and mnt/rootfs

Then umount the disks type:

$ sudo umount mnt/boot
$ sudo umount mnt/rootfs
$ sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0
$ sync

Now the myimage.img file is ready to be written on uSD card

$ sudo dd if=myimage.img of=sdb


Sergio Tanzilli
Systems designer, webmaster of and founder of Acme Systems srl

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