TUX Case - Penguin shaped enclosure for the FOX Board SBC

TUX Case is an old project thought by Sergio Tanzilli in the far 2006 to have a working Linux system inside a small Tux shaped plastic enclosure. It was made in a limited edition of 2000 pieces by CAD2001 and designed as enclosure of the legacy FOX Board single board computer.

Tux is the official mascot created by Larry Ewing of the Linux kernel created by Linus Torvalds.

TUX case stands seventeen centimeters tall, with a girth of almost 34 cm and is composed of six parts in coloured PVC.

TUX Case pictures from all around the world

TUX case all over the world is a collection of photos sent by TUX case owners from everywhere who took ispiration from the French movie Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amèlie Poulain. If you have any new photos to add, please email us with a brief decription of the place or an explanation about the site or event

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