HAT-A3 - Led RGB controller for Raspberry Pi

HAT-A3 is the Acme Systems version of the Active-3 board designed by Henner Zeller to controll RGB led display with Raspberry Pi


  • Fully compatible with the Active-3 board and software designed by Henner Zeller (https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix)
  • Supports up to three parallel chains and up to 12 32x32 RGB led modules for each chain
  • Active buffering and 3.3V -> 5V level shifting for best reliability.
  • Not requires any SMD soldering.


Demo - Digital signage managed by Telegram

This video shows a simple Telegram bot implemented inside a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with an Acme HAT-A4 running Node-RED and RedBot. The program sources and the installation details are available on this link:

Install rpi-rgb-led-matrix

The fully documentation to install the Henner Zeller software is available on his GitHub repository from this link:

If you you want to try quickly your HAT-A3 panel these are the Linux commands to install the software (tested on a Raspbian Buster Lite July 2019).

Download the microSD image from this link:

Boot your Raspberry Pi and get the access to the command console. Then type:

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install git libgraphicsmagick++-dev libwebp-dev libavcodec-dev libavdevice-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev initramfs-tools
git clone https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix.git
cd ~/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/utils
make led-image-viewer
make video-viewer
cd ~/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/examples-api-use

Remove the snd_bcm2835 module

"If sound is enabled on your Pi, this will not work together with the LED matrix". This problem is explained here:

To remove this module type the following commands:

cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-rgb-matrix.conf
blacklist snd_bcm2835
sudo update-initramfs -u
sudo reboot

Lets try some demos:

This is a list of ready-to-use demos provided with the rpi-rgb-led-matrix

Move inside the examples-api-use directory:

cd ~/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/examples-api-use

and type:

sudo demo

to have the list of ready-to-use demo.

Two parameters are always present:

  • led-parallel : Number of HAT-A3 connector used where:
    • 1 if is used just the TOP connector
    • 2 if are used TOP and MIDDLE connecors
    • 3 if are used all the connectors available
  • --led-chain : Number of RGB modules connected on a single line. The max number is 12.

If you are using the outdoor P6 RGB module LEDRGB-04 add this other two options:

  • led-multiplexing=2
  • led-slowdown-gpio=2

Pulse color

Four RGBLED-02 (P6 32x32 indoor module) on the same line wired on TOP connector:

sudo ./demo -D 4 --led-chain=4 --led-parallel=1

Four RGBLED-04 (P6 32x32 outdoor module) on the same line wired on TOP connector:

sudo ./demo -D 4 --led-chain=4 --led-parallel=1 --led-multiplexing=2 --led-slowdown-gpio=2

Show and scroll a ppm image

sudo ./demo -t 10 -D 4 runtext.ppm --led-chain=1 --led-parallel=1

Show images

Move inside the utils directory:

cd ~/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/utils

Show a jpg image

Save a jpg image in this directory and type:

sudo ./led-image-viewer --led-chain=4 --led-parallel=1  image.jpg

Use CTRL-C to exit.

List of options available


Play videos

Move inside the utils directory:

cd ~/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/utils

Show a mp4 video

Save a mp4 video in this directory and type:

sudo ./video-viewer --led-chain=4 --led-parallel=1  video.mp4

Use CTRL-C to exit.

List of options available


Create a Telegram Bot to play smartphone videos

Botbyexamples is a little set of example to write Telegram Bot in Python.

The example video_on_hat_a3.py shows how to write a Bot that can receive video and play video received from your smartphone.

Related products


Features Buy

Led RGB controller board for Raspberry Pi 3/4
  • Acme Systems version of the Active-3 board designed by Henner Zeller
  • 3 8x2 connector for up to 12 RGB panels
  • Auxiliary power supply input

demo options

usage: ./demo <options> -D <demo-nr> [optional parameter]
    -D <demo-nr>              : Always needs to be set
    -t <seconds>              : Run for these number of seconds, then exit.
    --led-gpio-mapping=<name> : Name of GPIO mapping used. Default "regular"
    --led-rows=<rows>         : Panel rows. Typically 8, 16, 32 or 64. (Default: 32).
    --led-cols=<cols>         : Panel columns. Typically 32 or 64. (Default: 32).
    --led-chain=<chained>     : Number of daisy-chained panels. (Default: 1).
    --led-parallel=<parallel> : Parallel chains. range=1..3 (Default: 1).
    --led-multiplexing=<0..10> : Mux type: 0=direct; 1=Stripe; 2=Checkered; 3=Spiral; 4=ZStripe; 5=ZnMirrorZStripe; 6=coreman; 7=Kaler2Scan; 8=ZStripeUneven; 9=P10-128x4-Z; 10=QiangLiQ8 (Default: 0)
    --led-pixel-mapper        : Semicolon-separated list of pixel-mappers to arrange pixels.
                                Optional params after a colon e.g. "U-mapper;Rotate:90"
                                Available: "Rotate", "U-mapper". Default: ""
    --led-pwm-bits=<1..11>    : PWM bits (Default: 11).
    --led-brightness=<percent>: Brightness in percent (Default: 100).
    --led-scan-mode=<0..1>    : 0 = progressive; 1 = interlaced (Default: 0).
    --led-row-addr-type=<0..3>: 0 = default; 1 = AB-addressed panels; 2 = direct row select; 3 = ABC-addressed panels (experimental) (Default: 0).
    --led-show-refresh        : Show refresh rate.
    --led-inverse             : Switch if your matrix has inverse colors on.
    --led-rgb-sequence        : Switch if your matrix has led colors swapped (Default: "RGB")
    --led-pwm-lsb-nanoseconds : PWM Nanoseconds for LSB (Default: 130)
    --led-pwm-dither-bits=<0..2> : Time dithering of lower bits (Default: 0)
    --led-no-hardware-pulse   : Don't use hardware pin-pulse generation.
    --led-panel-type=<name>   : Needed to initialize special panels. Supported: 'FM6126A'
    --led-slowdown-gpio=<0..4>: Slowdown GPIO. Needed for faster Pis/slower panels (Default: 1).
    --led-daemon              : Make the process run in the background as daemon.
    --led-no-drop-privs       : Don't drop privileges from 'root' after initializing the hardware.
Demos, choosen with -D
    0  - some rotating square
    1  - forward scrolling an image (-m <scroll-ms>)
    2  - backward scrolling an image (-m <scroll-ms>)
    3  - test image: a square
    4  - Pulsing color
    5  - Grayscale Block
    6  - Abelian sandpile model (-m <time-step-ms>)
    7  - Conway's game of life (-m <time-step-ms>)
    8  - Langton's ant (-m <time-step-ms>)
    9  - Volume bars (-m <time-step-ms>)
    10 - Evolution of color (-m <time-step-ms>)
    11 - Brightness pulse generator
    ./demo -t 10 -D 1 runtext.ppm

led-image_viewer options

usage: ./led-image-viewer [options] <image> [option] [<image> ...]
    -O<streamfile>            : Output to stream-file instead of matrix (Don't need to be root).
    -C                        : Center images.

These options affect images FOLLOWING them on the command line,
so it is possible to have different options for each image
    -w<seconds>               : Regular image: Wait time in seconds before next image is shown (default: 1.5).
    -t<seconds>               : For animations: stop after this time.
    -l<loop-count>            : For animations: number of loops through a full cycle.
    -D<animation-delay-ms>    : For animations: override the delay between frames given in the
                                gif/stream animation with this value. Use -1 to use default value.
    -V<vsync-multiple>        : For animation (expert): Only do frame vsync-swaps on multiples of refresh (default: 1)
                                (Tip: use --led-limit-refresh for stable class='acmetable' rate)

Options affecting display of multiple images:
    -f                        : Forever cycle through the list of files on the command line.
    -s                        : If multiple images are given: shuffle.

General LED matrix options:
    --led-gpio-mapping=<name> : Name of GPIO mapping used. Default "regular"
    --led-rows=<rows>         : Panel rows. Typically 8, 16, 32 or 64. (Default: 32).
    --led-cols=<cols>         : Panel columns. Typically 32 or 64. (Default: 32).
    --led-chain=<chained>     : Number of daisy-chained panels. (Default: 1).
    --led-parallel=<parallel> : Parallel chains. range=1..3 (Default: 1).
    --led-multiplexing=<0..16> : Mux type: 0=direct; 1=Stripe; 2=Checkered; 3=Spiral; 4=ZStripe; 5=ZnMirrorZStripe; 6=coreman; 7=Kaler2Scan; 8=ZStripeUneven; 9=P10-128x4-Z; 10=QiangLiQ8; 11=InversedZStripe; 12=P10Outdoor1R1G1-1; 13=P10Outdoor1R1G1-2; 14=P10Outdoor1R1G1-3; 15=P10CoremanMapper; 16=P8Outdoor1R1G1 (Default: 0)
    --led-pixel-mapper        : Semicolon-separated list of pixel-mappers to arrange pixels.
                                Optional params after a colon e.g. "U-mapper;Rotate:90"
                                Available: "Mirror", "Rotate", "U-mapper", "V-mapper". Default: ""
    --led-pwm-bits=<1..11>    : PWM bits (Default: 11).
    --led-brightness=<percent>: Brightness in percent (Default: 100).
    --led-scan-mode=<0..1>    : 0 = progressive; 1 = interlaced (Default: 0).
    --led-row-addr-type=<0..4>: 0 = default; 1 = AB-addressed panels; 2 = direct row select; 3 = ABC-addressed panels; 4 = ABC Shift + DE direct (Default: 0).
    --led-show-refresh        : Show refresh rate.
    --led-limit-refresh=<Hz>  : Limit refresh rate to this frequency in Hz. Useful to keep a
                                constant refresh rate on loaded system. 0=no limit. Default: 0
    --led-inverse             : Switch if your matrix has inverse colors on.
    --led-rgb-sequence        : Switch if your matrix has led colors swapped (Default: "RGB")
    --led-pwm-lsb-nanoseconds : PWM Nanoseconds for LSB (Default: 130)
    --led-pwm-dither-bits=<0..2> : Time dithering of lower bits (Default: 0)
    --led-no-hardware-pulse   : Don't use hardware pin-pulse generation.
    --led-panel-type=<name>  : Needed to initialize special panels. Supported: 'FM6126A', 'FM6127'
    --led-slowdown-gpio=<0..4>: Slowdown GPIO. Needed for faster Pis/slower panels (Default: 1).
    --led-daemon              : Make the process run in the background as daemon.
    --led-no-drop-privs       : Don't drop privileges from 'root' after initializing the hardware.

Switch time between files: -w for static images; -t/-l for animations
Animated gifs: If both -l and -t are given, whatever finishes first determines duration.

The -w, -t and -l options apply to the following images until a new instance of one of these options is seen.
So you can choose different durations for different images.

video-viewer options

usage: ./video-viewer [options] <video>
    -O<streamfile>     : Output to stream-file instead of matrix (don't need to be root).
    -s <count>         : Skip these number of frames in the beginning.
    -c <count>         : Only show this number of frames (excluding skipped frames).
    -v                 : verbose.
    -f                 : Loop forever.

General LED matrix options:
    --led-gpio-mapping=<name> : Name of GPIO mapping used. Default "regular"
    --led-rows=<rows>         : Panel rows. Typically 8, 16, 32 or 64. (Default: 32).
    --led-cols=<cols>         : Panel columns. Typically 32 or 64. (Default: 32).
    --led-chain=<chained>     : Number of daisy-chained panels. (Default: 1).
    --led-parallel=<parallel> : Parallel chains. range=1..3 (Default: 1).
    --led-multiplexing=<0..10> : Mux type: 0=direct; 1=Stripe; 2=Checkered; 3=Spiral; 4=ZStripe; 5=ZnMirrorZStripe; 6=coreman; 7=Kaler2Scan; 8=ZStripeUneven; 9=P10-128x4-Z; 10=QiangLiQ8 (Default: 0)
    --led-pixel-mapper        : Semicolon-separated list of pixel-mappers to arrange pixels.
                                Optional params after a colon e.g. "U-mapper;Rotate:90"
                                Available: "Rotate", "U-mapper". Default: ""
    --led-pwm-bits=<1..11>    : PWM bits (Default: 11).
    --led-brightness=<percent>: Brightness in percent (Default: 100).
    --led-scan-mode=<0..1>    : 0 = progressive; 1 = interlaced (Default: 0).
    --led-row-addr-type=<0..3>: 0 = default; 1 = AB-addressed panels; 2 = direct row select; 3 = ABC-addressed panels (experimental) (Default: 0).
    --led-show-refresh        : Show refresh rate.
    --led-inverse             : Switch if your matrix has inverse colors on.
    --led-rgb-sequence        : Switch if your matrix has led colors swapped (Default: "RGB")
    --led-pwm-lsb-nanoseconds : PWM Nanoseconds for LSB (Default: 130)
    --led-pwm-dither-bits=<0..2> : Time dithering of lower bits (Default: 0)
    --led-no-hardware-pulse   : Don't use hardware pin-pulse generation.
    --led-panel-type=<name>   : Needed to initialize special panels. Supported: 'FM6126A'
    --led-slowdown-gpio=<0..4>: Slowdown GPIO. Needed for faster Pis/slower panels (Default: 1).
    --led-daemon              : Make the process run in the background as daemon.
    --led-no-drop-privs       : Don't drop privileges from 'root' after initializing the hardware.

Sergio Tanzilli
Systems designer, webmaster of www.acmesystems.it and founder of Acme Systems srl

Personal email: tanzilli@acmesystems.it
Web pages: https://www.acmesystems.it --- https://www.acmestudio.it
Github repositories: https://github.com/tanzilli --- https://github.com/acmesystems
Telegram group dedicated to the Acme Systems boards: https://t.me/acmesystemssrl