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Download binary images for Arietta

Linux Kernel 5.15.68 - Debian Bullseye 11.5 - At91Bootstrap 3.10.4
Version: 13-oct-2022
Use balenaEtcher to generate a microSD with this image:
Login data
- Login: acme Password: acmesystems
Check the Linux version by typing:
uname -r
Check the Debian version by typing:
cat /etc/debian_version
By default the root password is not defined. To set it login as acme user and type:
sudo passwd
To extend the rootfs partition to fill the whole microSD space available type:
sudo ./
Note if you have a board with 256MB change in the cmdline.txt on the first
partition from:
Arietta G25 - Kernel Linux 4.4.79 - Debian Jessie 8.8 - Full
MicroSD contents for Arietta G25 with: Apache, PHP, Python, C, C++, Wi-Fi, Codiad, Ntp.
Version: 03-aug-2017
Create a bootable class='acmetable' microSD
A Linux PC is required to follow this procedure:
- Format a microSD with gparted following this article
- Mount the two new partitions boot and rootfs just clicking from the file explorer window
- Download the archive with the first microSD partition contents:
- Download the archive with the second microSD partition contents:
- Untar the archives to the microSD partitions using the following commands:
- tar -xvjpSf boot.tar.bz2 -C /media/$USER/boot
- sudo tar -xvjpSf rootfs.tar.bz2 -C /media/$USER/rootfs
- Edit the file wpa_supplicant.conf saved on the first microSD partition and insert your WiFi Access Point name and Password
- The command line parameters are not yet passed in this version by at91bootstrap (boot.bin) but is passed by the dts file.
- Unmount the microSD and use it to boot on Arietta G25
- Open a session from a on a PC wired on the same LAN with Bonjour installed.
- The login data are:
- User: acme Password: acmesystems
- User: root Password: acmesystems
Packages installed
- gcc (C compiler)
- g++ (C++ compiler)
- Python
- Apache2
- PHP5
- iw wpasupplicant
- Git
- Bonjour
- Codiad (In browser Ascii editor)
- Minicom (Serial terminal)
- Ntp
Read the tutorials page to know how to do create the microSD contents starting from sources.
Defconfig and device tree used
Arietta G25 - Kernel Linux 4.4.8 - Debian Jessie 8.4 - Full
MicroSD contents for Arietta G25 with: Apache, PHP, Python, C, C++, Wi-Fi, Codiad, Ntp.
Version: 27-apr-2016
Create a bootable class='acmetable' microSD
A Linux PC is required to follow this procedure:
- Format a microSD with gparted following this article
- Mount the two new partitions boot and rootfs just clicking from the file explorer window
- Download the archive with the first microSD partition contents:
- Download the archive with the second microSD partition contents:
- Untar the archives to the microSD partitions using the following commands:
- tar -xvjpSf boot.tar.bz2 -C /media/$USER/boot
- sudo tar -xvjpSf rootfs.tar.bz2 -C /media/$USER/rootfs
- Edit the file wpa_supplicant.conf saved on the first microSD partition and insert your WiFi Access Point name and Password
- The command line parameters are not yet passed in this version by at91bootstrap (boot.bin) but is passed by the dts file.
- Unmount the microSD and use it to boot on Arietta G25
- Open a session from a on a PC wired on the same LAN with Bonjour installed.
- The login data are:
- User: acme Password: acmesystems
- User: root Password: acmesystems
Packages installed
- gcc (C compiler)
- g++ (C++ compiler)
- Python
- Apache2
- PHP5
- iw wpasupplicant
- Git
- Bonjour
- Codiad (In browser Ascii editor)
- Minicom (Serial terminal)
- Ntp
Read the tutorials page to know how to do create the microSD contents starting from sources.
Defconfig and device tree used
Arietta G25 - Kernel Linux 4.4.5 - Buildroot 2016.02 - Minimal
Minimal Linux configuration.
Version: 11-mar-2016
Create a bootable class='acmetable' microSD
A Linux PC is required to follow this procedure:
- Format a microSD with gparted following this article
- Mount the two new partitions boot and rootfs just clicking from the file explorer window
- Download the archive with the first microSD partition contents:
- Download the archive with the second microSD partition contents:
- Untar the archives to the microSD partitions using the following commands:
- tar -xvjpSf boot.tar.bz2 -C /media/$USER/boot
- sudo tar -xvjpSf rootfs.tar.bz2 -C /media/$USER/rootfs
- The command line parameters are not yet passed in this version by at91bootstrap (boot.bin) but is passed by the dts file.
- Unmount the microSD and use it to boot on Arietta G25
- The login data are:
- User: root Password: acmesystems
Read the tutorials page to know how to do create the microSD contents starting from sources.
Defconfig and device tree used
Arietta G25 - Kernel Linux 4.2.6 - Debian Jessie 8.2 - Full
MicroSD contents for Arietta G25 with: Apache, PHP, Python, C, C++, Wi-Fi, Codiad, Shell-in-a-box, Ntp.
Version: 13-nov-2015
Create a bootable class='acmetable' microSD from tarballs
A Linux PC is required, with a Windows PC use the disk image method.
- Download the first microSD partition contents from:
boot.tar.bz2 (3.4MB)
- Download the second microSD partition contents from:
rootfs.tar.bz2 (182.4MB)
- Format a microSD with gparted (read more) and mount it
- Download the binaries
- Untar the binaries to the microSD with the following commands:
$ tar -xvjpSf boot.tar.bz2 -C /media/$USER/boot
$ sudo tar -xvjpSf rootfs.tar.bz2 -C /media/$USER/rootfs
- unmount the microsd and use it to boot on your Arietta
Create a bootable class='acmetable' microSD from disk image
- Download the zipped disk image from
- Uncompress its contents to obtain arietta.img file
- Insert a microSD and write arietta.img on it using:
- On Windows: Win32 Disk Imager
- On Linux: sudo dd if=arietta.img of=/dev/sdX where sdX is the microSD device (more info...)
- On Mac: sudo dd if=arietta.img of=/dev/diskN where diskN is the microSD device (more info..)
- For Arietta G25 with 256 MB of RAM rename boot256.bin in boot.bin in the first partition mounted on /boot
- The image contains just the first two partitions (boot and rootfs) and uses just the first 1.0 GB. To add more
space create a third partition to add in /etc/fstab or enlarge the rootfs partition.
Packages installed
- gcc (C compiler)
- g++ (C++ compiler)
- Python
- Apache2
- PHP5
- iw wpasupplicant
- Git
- Bonjour
- Codiad (In browser Ascii editor)
- Shell-in-a-box (In browser ssh client)
- Minicom (Serial terminal)
- Ntp
Read the tutorials page to know how to do create the microSD contents starting from sources.
Login data
root Password:
Getting started with this image
- Insert the microSD on your PC (Windows, Linux or Mac)
- Edit the file wpa_supplicant.conf saved on the first microSD partition and insert your WiFi Access Point name and Password
- Boot Arietta with the microSD
- Open a session from a on a PC wired on the same LAN with Bonjour installed.
If you are using a WiFi adapter
WIFI-2 edit the file
/boot/wpa_supplicant.conf to insert the authentication
data to your lan.
Defconfig and device tree used
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