This procedure has been tested on:
Installing Debos package:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install debos
Clone this git repository:
git clone
cd debos-for-acmesystems-boards
Add your Linux username to kvm group:
sudo adduser $USER kvm
Select the command to generate the image for your Acme Systems board. If you are using an Ubuntu Linux distribution add --disable-fakemachine
debos acme-foxd27-bookworm.yaml
debos acme-roadrunner.yaml
debos acme-acqua.yaml
debos acme-aria.yaml
debos acme-arietta.yaml
debos acme-foxg20.yaml
The file:
will contains the microSD image
Use Etcher to write your microSD with the image generated
at bootstrap use:
Login: acme
Password: acmesystems
to extend the rootfs to fill the microSD size type:
sudo growpart /dev/mmcblk0 2
sudo resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2
This article is based on Antonio Galea works available on this link: